Video montage Housekeeping (2017)

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APRIL 28 - SEPTEMBER 22 2019


In the exhibition Housekeeping, the artist Petra Hultman considers the rise of the housewife ideal of the 1950s. A visual narrative is created through artwork featuring mosaics made up of film frames from Husmorsfilmer AB and open copies of Svenskt Husmoderslexikon chronicling the conditions of housekeeping from past to present.

During the post-war creation of folkhemmet (the people’s home) modern methods were developed to simplify housekeeping for women. These included careful planning, new efficient procedures and tried-and-tested tools professionalizing unpaid labor. Women’s work in the home has been a political issue for generations of feminists and it has once again appeared in party politics.

Who cleans our homes? The same people as always? With this exhibition, the Museum of Women’s History invites you to consider different power structures such as gender, class and ethnicity in relation to housekeeping, now as before.

Petra Hultman graduated from the Royal Institute of Art in 2017 and her work on crafts, diligence and housekeeping has made an impact. Hultman was awarded Becker’s art scholarship in 2018 and has exhibited her work at places such as Färgfabriken in Stockholm and Gothenburg’s art gallery. Simultaneously, her work is exhibited at Österängens Konsthall in Jönköping, between 27 april and 2 june 2019.

"Who cleans our homes? The same people as always?