#atthesalon (2015)

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DECEMBER 5 2015 – FEBRUARY 21 2016

at the salon

A collaborative experiment with the history of Umeå

Together we will explore, expand and challenge Umeå's history.
Here and now begins a unique partnership at the Museum of Women´s History with some of the district's hairdressers. Together, we seek to build an inclusive future through incorporating new narratives of the past.

”Jag vill hänga där guzzarna hänger, det är bara det
Och på salongen har en kvinna alltid vart ifred"

The salon is a place of spoken word. And those who ask, listen and remember become guardians of cultural heritage, where women who share their stories are treated with respect and empathy.

These are detailed and complex stories. These are stories of girls who grew up in our neighbourhood. About mothers, sisters and daughters. About those who came or went away. About those we know and about those we want to know.

”I alla världens städer är salongen vår oas
Här faller burkan ner till marken och vi snackar skit
Jag möter mina syrror, här är alla varandra lik”

Kristin Amparo

In our experiment, together with hairdressers from Umeå, we will investigate whether we can make more space for women to share their stories, and in doing so, rewrite the history books of tomorrow.

In December, we are experimenting with how this process will work. In January and February, we invite you to join us and share your best - or worst or the most unexpected - story about women in Umeå! The result we will share in our next exhibit, which is about Umeå's history and opens March 8, 2016.